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Versa, a name whispered with reverence in the hallowed halls of the ancient RedDragon Guild, carries the legacy of a bygone era. Fourteen years ago, before the cataclysm that erased the vibrant world of Pokémon World Online, Versa emerged as a beacon of hope and strength for his guildmates.

As Versa grew, so did his reputation. Tales of his deeds spread far and wide—battles won, tyrants overthrown, and the weak defended. With his trusted team of Pokémon by his side, he embodied the guild’s ideals: courage, honor, and an unyielding spirit.

The RedDragon Guild, once a formidable force in the world of Pokémon, was known for its mastery over Dragon-type and Shining Pokémon. They were the guardians of ancient secrets.

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  • Last ActiveNot available
  • Gametime77 hours, 0 minutes
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